Pinocchio’s Follies -Cactus Gallery: August 12 – September 2, 2017

Pinocchio’s Follies will be exploring the important lessons learned during Pinocchio’s misadventures. We will also get to meet the carnival of colorful characters that guided him to discover the true meaning of being human.
Participating artists: 
Donna Abbate, Joe Alvarez, Ulla Anobile, Denise Bledsoe, Andrea Bogdan, Lacey Bryant, Catherine Bursill Moore, Olivier Castillon, Nancy Cintron, Valency Genis, Annette Hassell, Patricia Krebs, Mavis Leahy, Malathip, Justine Mares, Jen Musatto, Janet Olenik, Jen Raven, Bobby Rojas, Salvage Art Sweetheart (Marsha Perloff), Carolina Seth, and Joe Vollan.

Art & Nature -Artists Republic Gallery: July 8 – August 20, 2017


Opening Reception  |  Saturday, July 8, 2017
Show Runs:  July 8 – August 20, 2017

Artists Republic Gallery is proud to present Art & Naturea group exhibition with focus on a New Contemporary interpretation of the natural world. The exhibition consists of works from Bay Area artists Chad Hasegawa, Kristin Farr, and Justin Angelos, as well as 10″x10″ works from some of our favorite artists from across the country.

Artists Republic Gallery 400 W. Disney Way, Anaheim, CA 92802

Artists Republic Gallery

No Bigger Than a Pie Box Fundraiser-ArtReach WNY: July 13, 2017

ArtReach asked a select group of artists to create a small work that would fit inside a pie box.  “We decided to play off of an iconic all American item, the apple pie,” explains Beth Smith.  “We thought about potential collectors and their size constraints.  Also, we did not want to put too much pressure on artists or take away too from time from their daily practice.”

With that, “No Bigger Than a Pie Box” was born.  All work will be sold through silent auction.  Participating artists include Bruce Adams, A.J. Fries, Amy Greenan, Anne Muntges, Peter Stephens, and many more.   Each of the original works available will be ready to hang and come housed in a commemorative pie box.  Each of the 20 artists involved will receive 50% of the sale price of their work and the remaining 50% will be split between charities selected by ArtReach: the Pride Center of WNYYWCA WNY, and Planned Parenthood of Central and Western New York.

“No Bigger Than a Pie Box” will be held inside The Atrium of 500 Seneca Street on Thursday July 13th from 5:30 – 7:30pm.  The event will feature fine wines and heavy hors d’oeuvres.   Pre-sale tickets to the event are $20 for individual tickets and $30 per pair through July 10th.  Tickets can be purchased at the door for $20 a piece.  Tickets may be purchased online at:

Local comedian Allie Brady will be the emcee for the evening.  Each of the charities benefitting from the silent auction will be on hand to share information about their services and promote potential volunteer opportunities.  Maria Pabico LaRotonda explains, “We are really excited to come together and not only make money for the artists we care about, but also raise money for charities that need it the most.”

More information about the event is available on ArtReach’s Facebook No Bigger Than a Pie Box.

Drawn Together -Revolution Gallery: June 16 to July 22, 2017

Revolution Gallery
1419 Hertel Avenue
Buffalo, NY 14214


Opening Exhibit is Friday, June 16th from 8:00pm to 11:00pm

Revolution Gallery is proud to present their next exhibit of national and international artists in “Drawn Together.” Artwork in this exhibit will showcase contemporary drawings in all its forms: pencil, ink, charcoal, collages, and works in drawing mixed mediums.

Something Wild in My Garden – Cactus Gallery: June 10 – July 15, 2017

Something Wild in My Garden
Featured artist: Olga Ponomarenko
Scheduled to run: June 10 – July 15, 2017
RECEPTION: Saturday, June 10 * 6p-9p
3001 North Coolidge Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90039
Something in My Garden will be exploring the plight of urban wildlife. Many of our furry and feathered friends have been evicted from their habitat by an exploding human population who in their search for progress are destroying their natural environment. In turn wildlife are forced into ‘residential areas’, placing their own and their neighbors’ pets in jeopardy, in order to find food for survival.
Participating artists:
 Jaclyn Alderete, Douglas Alvarez, Ulla Anobile, Julie B, Lea Barozzi, Skye Becker-Yamakawa, Terri Berman, Denise Bledsoe, Andrea Bogdan, Debra Broz, Lacey Bryant, Ivonne Carley, Joe Carrion, Gigi Chen, Jon Ching, Nancy Cintron, Joshua Coffy, Henry T. Cram, Ashley Fisher, Rosie Garcia, Valency Genis, Corrie Gregory, Patrick Haemmerlein, Annette Hassell, Anita Inverarity, Brooke Kent, Lydia Moon Hee Kim, Patricia Krebs, Mavis Leahy, Malathip, Nichol Norman, Janet Olenik, Sarah Polzin, Olga Ponomarenko, Myriam Powell, Johnny Quintanilla, Jen Raven, Meghan Ritchey, Bobby Rojas, Joshua Roman, Lena Sayadian, Corina St. Martin, Kelly Thompson, Yuki Toy, Juliette Vaissiere, Kelly Vetter, Joe Vollan, Michelle Waters, Emily Wenner, and Holly Wood.
Contact Sandra Mastroianni at for information on installment plans, cash and check sales, additional images, and any questions regarding purchases.

Imaginary Menagerie vol. 5 -Arch Enemy Arts: May 5- 27, 2017

Arch Enemy Arts • 109 + 111 Arch Street in Philadelphia, PA 19106

(215) 717-7774  •

Arch Enemy Arts returns with the 5th and final chapter of its highly acclaimed ‘Imaginary Menagerie’ series. The Arch Enemy Arts’ official guide to cryptozoology adds 16 additional artists, each using their own unique creative style to render and breathe new life into ancient legends and fabled mythological beasts.

Since April 2015, AEA’s Imaginary Menagerie series has seen nearly 80 artists including Naoto Hattori, Craww, Caitlin Hackett, Richard Oliver, Jessica Dalva, and Jeremy Hush each take on nearly 80 different fantastic beasts to complete our contemporary guide to cryptozoology.

Volume 5 rounds out the collection with the release of new works by Mab Graves, Happy D, Matt Gordon, Kelsey Beckett, Richard Ahnert, Bayo, Heather Watts, Joe Vollan, Kelly Vivanco, Kit Mizeres, Lauren Marx, Mono Cieza, Nathan Durfee, Sean Xenos, Shaun Beaudry, Steve Ferrera, and Virginie Ropars.

BAD GIRLS and Outcasts – Cactus Gallery: April 22 — May 27, 2017

The witchy, wicked, wanton, weird women of fairytales, myths and legends. Featured artist: Ulla Anobile

Scheduled to run: April 22 — May 27, 2017

RECEPTION: Saturday, April 22 * 6p-9p

Cactus Gallery 3001 N Coolidge Ave, Los Angeles, California 90039

BAD GIRLS & OUTCASTS will feature the women of fairytales, myths and legends who don’t necessarily get Prince Charming. Or if they do, he leaves her for the goody-two-shoes Princess. These women may often go unrecognized (or is simply hidden away), because they don’t fit the archetypal feminine canon of princesses and heroines, or the safe progression from maiden to mother to crone.

Our women may live, even thrive, on the dark side of the Moon, at the bottom of the ocean, in the depths of the primeval forest, in the hidden, rebellious, shadowy realms of a woman’s soul, or in the rejected, often devalued parts of a man’s psyche.

Our women are strong, wild, opinionated, seductive, bawdy, despondent, spurned, full of tears or fury. They can be crafty, vengeful, devious, evil. They go on their solitary way and do not aim to please anyone or ask for anyone’s approval.

They hope, however, to be recognized as who they are and to be seen.

We Are the Resistance – Revolution Gallery: March 25 -April 29, 2017

Revolution Gallery is proud to present their next exhibit of national and international artists in “We Are The Resistance.” This group show is in recognition of Women’s History Month, and for the solidarity that was shown by 5 million people across the globe who joined together for the Women’s March this past January. 10% of the proceeds from sales of the artwork will be donated to Planned Parenthood®. By supporting women’s rights, we support human rights; standing together as a creative population, and as a community.

Don’t miss this special exhibit of all original works from: DK Burger Tricia Butski Anthony Freda Shannon Freshwater A.J. Fries Barbara Hart Felice Koenig Anita Kunz Craig LaRotonda Maria Pabico LaRotonda Nandrysha Arabella Proffer Eric Richardson Carolina Seth Marcos Sorensen Daniele Spellman Katherine Streeter Kelly Vetter Joe Vollan


LOTERIA III -Cactus Gallery: March 11 – April 1, 2017

For their MARCH 2017 exhibit the gallery will be celebrating its 12th birthday by hosting its third annual “LOTERIA” themed exhibit. The exhibit will feature the original 54 images from the most commonly recognized standard deck by Pasatiempos Gallo, S.A. Join us for this charming show and play LOTERIA with us during the opening reception!
Participating artists used their assigned card as a springboard for their modern interpretation and the results are delightful. For context, the original card will be displayed alongside the modern interpretations.
Loteria is a traditional Mexican game of chance, played like Bingo, that uses images on a deck of cards instead of plain numbers. The Loteria deck uses 54 images, including characters, instruments, flora, animalia, and objects which have become iconic and synonymous with Mexican culture. Each has a name and an assigned number. The cards are very colorful and the imagery on them is broadly recognized in all of Mexico, other Latin American countries, as well as European nations.